Two 900µm Buffered fibers are surrounded by aramid yarn strength members and a flame- retardant jacket
Cable structure and parameter
G652D fiber information
- Mode filed diameter (1310nm):9.2µm±0.4µm
- Mode filed diameter (1550nm):10.4µm±0.8µm
- Cladding diameter: 125µm±1.0µm.
- Coating diameter: 245µm±7µm.
- Cut off wavelength of cabled fiber (ƛcc):≤1260µm.
- Attenuation at 1310nm: ≤0.35dB/km.
- Attenuation at 1550nm: ≤0.21dB/km
- Bending loss at 1550 nm (100 turns.30 mm radius):≤0.05dB
- Dispersion in the range 1288 to 1339 nm: ≤3.5ps/ (
- Dispersion at 1550 nm: ≤18ps/ (
- Dispersion slope at zero dispersion wavelength: ≤0.092ps/